
Nailsea Action Group

Nailsea Action Group (N.A.G.) was established at the end of 2015 originally to promote and protect Nailsea’s rural setting particular at its interface with the countryside around it.  Over the past six years our objectives have broadened into campaigning that, if and when the planned additional 3,000+ homes (1,781 in Nailsea and 1,120 in Backwell) are built in and around the town:

  • there will be sufficient appropriate and sustainable infrastructure to support them,
  • that the working, living and ecological environment is not only protected but enhanced,
  • and that there is access to green spaces (especially where much may disappear) to maintain not least the quality of the air we breathe, but also for the benefit of physical and psychological health,
  • they will not be built where it is clear that climate change will seriously impact on their viability such as in north-west Nailsea (See the revised Nailsea district map for the land projected to be below annual flood levels in 2030 which covers all the area in north-west Nailsea proposed for the development of some 600 dwellings)

N.A.G. supports the Town Council’s wish for an integrated ‘masterplan’ for Nailsea’s future. This would include its aim to:

  • re-balance the age distribution of the town’s population
  • utilise long vacated modern buildings in the Town Centre currently owned by Weston College
  • seek the development of the long derelict brownfield Coates site

N.A.G. would support the creation of a Nailsea Neighbourhood Plan, and an approach to planning that focusses on sustainable development which enhances the rural and urban environments of the town and community for the future.

N.A.G. supports the Town Council in its quest for a good proportion of ‘affordable’ homes to be built.  However, N.A.G. questions their genuine affordability for the residents who want or need them. The almost adjacent areas of land off Engine Lane, Youngwood Lane and The Uplands are now being developed for house building.  In the spirit of its founding principles, N.A.G. is concerned at the prospect of the total loss of a significant area of open green space in the south-west quarter of the town.

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Last Updated: Nov 26, 2024 @ 4:28 pm