
Valid Planning Points

When determining whether a site is suitable for development, North Somerset Council will only consider points that are relevant to their planning policy. Below are suggestions for valid planning observations. Please note the following:

·      Personal views/feelings are not likely to be given much weight. It is the impact on the wider population/community that is important in planning.

·       Lots of people raising the same points will have more impact, so please raise all that you consider relevant.

·       Identical responses will carry less weight, so please use your own words if possible.

The suggestions below are only examples, there are far too many aspects to list.  You are encouraged to read the consultation documents in as much detail as possible and do associated research in order to find points that can be raised in support or objection.  Local knowledge is one of the most valuable assets so responses should include anything you have noticed that may not be generally known.

Infrastructure and Services

·        Total increase in Nailsea’s population by 3-4,000 will put strain on roads, rail, parking, doctors, schools and other public services

·       Most sites are outside the settlement boundary in peripheral locations, which would increase the adverse impact on roads and parking

·        The larger sites are poorly connected to the town centre with poor accessibility to local services. This encourages car use, which is an unsustainable methods of transport

·        Nailsea would not be able to provide jobs for most new residents, who would therefore have to commute to work, increasing rush hour pressure for road and rail

·        Most sites are served by narrow, winding, country lanes, resulting in highway safety issues and bottlenecks
Surrounding rural areas, such as Chelvey and Brockley, will be significantly affected by the increase in traffic going from the West End sites to the A370
Major developments without improvements to infrastructure contravenes the Core Strategy

Environment and Landscape

·        Climate change will extend the flood risk area into the proposed sites within the life of potential developments

·        Much of the land has been classified as very good (grade 2) agricultural value, which contravenes the Core Strategy aim of encouraging farming

·       Significant wildlife habitat will be lost, including potential loss of trees, hedgerows and dry stone walls

·       Large developments will affect the open rural character of the area

Recreation and Green Space

·       Surrounding country lanes will no longer be safe for walkers, horse riders and cyclists (including part of Avon Cycleway)

·       For some sites the amenity value of the open space used by residents, including children playing and dog walking, will be lost

Other Sources of Information

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has a range of guidance and resources available on its website.