The latest consultation for the Local Plan 2038, prior to being adopted in 2023, closed on 29th April 2022.
You can see all the comments on the North Somerset Council Website.
The Local Plan sets out where developments can and cannot take place. With the Local Plan North Somerset Council aims to ensure it gets the right type of development in the right place with the right services and infrastructure – and avoids unplanned development.
The main Preferred Options Local Plan document and all of the background supporting documents can be viewed at This also includes details of local events where you can find out more about the Local Plan.
The Local Plan is divided into three sections:
Strategic Policies (SP) set an overall strategy for the pattern, scale and design quality of places. There are 12 strategic policies covering topics as such as what we mean by sustainable development, climate change and the amount and broad distribution of new development.
Locational Policies (LP) either allocate sites or areas for a specific use or an area where a particular policy will apply, or designate an area for protection.
Detailed Policies (DP) address particular issues in detail which are grouped under the headings Design and Placemaking; Transport; Economic Development; Natural and Historic Environment; Life Prospects; Countryside; Delivery.
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