N.A.G. @ Nailsea Town Council Meeting 26th October 2022

Antony Evans, N.A.G.’s vice chair, attended the meeting last Wednesday on N.A.G.’s behalf, along with some 20 members of the public, principally to hear the presentation by Gleesons.

Gleesons presentation

Gleesons has been working on behalf of ten landowners in the south of Nailsea for ten years. Together their properties make up the land for the site recently proposed for building by North Somerset for up to 600 houses east of Netherton Grange and west of The Perrings/Youngwood Lane.

Gleesons’ main proposal is to build 400 dwellings with access via new road from a junction Station Road just the Nailsea side of the entrance to Backwell Lake.

For the many further details, maps, and the reactions of councillors and members of the public, please see a detailed report in Nailsea People by Carol Deacon:


Questions from Mr Steel

Prior to the meeting, a member of the public, Mr. Steel, submitted five written questions to the Council’s Clerk raising concerns about the Council’s costs, its high precept rate, value for money and high staff costs. The Clerk’s written response was included in the agenda papers as a report to the meeting. At this N.A.G. gave a spoken reaction to these. For the full exchange, please see Questions from Mr. James Steel 26th October 2022

Town Green Status

The Council agreed to pursue Town Green application for land west of Trendlewood Way and bounded by the gardens of Bibury Close to the north and those of Birdlip Close to the south, and for a corresponding area opposite between Trendlewood Way and The Farmhouse public house.

It was also proposed that all the apparently unallocated/unowned patches of green space in Nailsea should have a collective town green application made to protect them from further developmental in-filling.

N.A.G. is encouraging Nailsea residents to identify the ownership of any green space that is really near to them, and, if necessary, take action to prevent it being filled in with housing development.

Nailsea Town Council Projects

The Clerk presented a list of 25 projects that are currently just concluded or still in train. To see this list please see Nailsea Town Council Projects October 2022